The Samples Are In and... they've saved the day twice
Well they'll tell you that there are highs and lows and ebbs and flows in entrepreneurship and there are certainly some days where I'm wondering... what the f am I doing? And then.. something will happen to give me that little extra push. In this case, what is the push? It's my kids. Throwing up.
A few weeks ago, I received a box of Vommat samples for testing. And as luck would have it (luck?), I've had two kids throw up under two different scenarios and I had Vommats on-hand for a live test! And you know what? They performed. Really well. They yakked and I had total confidence in my mat and its ability to capture what was going on. It was *almost* completely stress free. Suffice to say I'm going to have a Vommat or several on-hand for all future road trips.
Anyway the push that this gave me is that.. Vommat really saved me, I've gotta share them with the world! And they will be coming soon!!