How to Clean Puke From a Couch: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents
I am eating breakfast as I write this. Woof. Anyway.
If you're googling "How to Clean Puke From a Couch," we all know what happened and I am so sorry. As every parent knows, upholstered furniture seems to be a magnet for messes, and vomit can be one of the hardest stains to deal with - especially depending on what they last ate. Yikes. But I digress. Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered with a step-by-step guide to help you clean vomit from your couch effectively and restore it to its pre-accident state (or as close to that as we can get).
Step 1: Act Quickly
The sooner you can address the mess, the better. Vomit can seep into the fabric and padding of your couch, making it harder to clean and leaving an unpleasant odor behind. Grab some gloves, paper towels, and a trash bag to get started.
Step 2: Remove the Solids
This is gross to write but you know what I mean. Using a paper towel, plastic spatula, or some sort of scraper, gently scoop up as much of the solid matter as possible. Try to avoid rubbing the area, as this can push the vom deeper into the fabric. Dispose of the mess in a bag and seal it off to minimize the smell.
Step 3: Blot the Area
Take a clean cloth or paper towels and blot the affected area to absorb as much liquid as possible. Be careful not to rub, as this can spread the stain. Use gentle pressure to lift the liquid out of the fabric.
Step 4: Treat the Stain
Once you’ve removed the solids and blotted the liquid, it’s time to tackle the stain. Depending on what you have on hand, here are two options:
- DIY Solution: Mix one tablespoon of dish soap, one tablespoon of white vinegar, and two cups of warm water. Dampen a clean cloth with the solution and gently dab the stained area. Repeat until the stain lifts.
- Store-Bought Cleaner: Use an enzyme-based upholstery cleaner specifically designed to break down organic matter like vomit. Follow the instructions on the label carefully.
Step 5: Rinse and Blot Again
Using a separate clean cloth dampened with fresh water, blot the area again to remove any soap or cleaning product residue. This step is important to prevent the cleaning agents from leaving behind a residue or stickiness that could attract dirt.
Step 6: Deodorize the Area
Sprinkle baking soda liberally over the cleaned area and let it sit for several hours or overnight - baking soda is excellent at absorbing odors! That's why some people keep an open box of it in their fridge. Once it’s dry, vacuum it up with a brush attachment.
Step 7: Allow to Dry Completely
Let the couch air dry completely before using it again. If you want to speed things up on that, you can point a fan at the area or open a window to produce more airflow.
How to Prevent Vomit Messes on Your Couch
You may now be thinking wow that is a lot of steps to clean puke from a couch and I would agree with you. That is so much to do especially if your kid is still sick and at risk of nailing the couch or a chair or their bed again. That’s where Vommat comes in.
Vommats are eco-friendly, absorbent disposable sheets are designed to protect your couch from vomit and any other bodily fluids. Simply lay one over your furniture when someone in your home is feeling sick, and you won’t have to worry about the deep cleaning later. If a Vommat gets vom'd on, you just toss it in the trash and lay out a fresh one. It is SO MUCH easier. So if you're interested in being prepared for next time - you can order down below or by clicking here.
Featured image by Rex Pickar on Unsplash