Exciting News: Back in Stock Soon // Available for Preorder Now!

Exciting News: Back in Stock Soon // Available for Preorder Now!

Thanks to your incredible support through the IFUNDWOMEN crowdfunding campaign, I'm pretty excited to announce that production is officially underway and I will be back in stock soon! Soon, my garage will once again be filled with Vommats, ready to ship and help make life a little easier for parents and caregivers.


I’ve just updated the website so you can now preorder Vommats directly vs the crowdfunding link. It feels so fab to switch from "Out of Stock" to "Preorder Now"! For those who placed preorders during the crowdfunding campaign, your orders will be shipped alongside any new preorders from the website, all orders being shipped as soon as possible.


Right now, the sheets are being manufactured and will be loaded up for their journey here by sea. Once they've actually set sail I will have a firmer timeline of when they'll arrive but for now, I'm expecting everything to have arrived and be ready to ship out to you by December 1st at the latest. Fingers crossed that the timeline stays on track (or maybe even speeds up—a girl can dream!).


For any major updates, I’ll keep you posted right here on the blog. For smaller progress updates, or my general adventures and misadventures in entrepreneurship, be sure to follow me on Instagram.


Thank you again for your incredible support. I’m beyond excited to get Vommats back into your hands. These little sheets help take the stress out of an already tough situation, letting you focus on what really matters—caring for your little ones. Here's to simple solutions that can make life just a little bit easier!

Featured image via by Bent Van Aeken on Unsplash
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